• C-Commander?! What is that following Reginn?

  • Oh, you saw that, huh? That's Reginn as an Aided Hero, and she's got a special Aide accompanying her.

  • Well, her Aide is absolutely adorable! Where can I sign up to get one of my own?

  • Good news—all you need to do is use an Aide's Essence! You can acquire them whenever you summon an Aided Hero.

  • Wow, thanks! Now I just need one Aide to carry me to the battlefield, one to clean up my room, and one to handle my correspondence with Alfonse!

  • Oh, uh... Before you get too carried away—you can only have one Aide at a time!

Summon Aided Heroes

Aided Heroes are accompanied by special Aides that grant them +1 to all stats. You'll also receive an Aide's Essence every time you summon an Aided Hero.

Using Aide's Essences to Equip Other Heroes with Aides

Bestow an Aide's Essence on another Hero, granting them the ability to equip Aides. They'll also gain +1 to all stats. And, unlike normal accessories, Aides can be equipped by multiple Heroes as long as they've been given an Aide's Essence.

Other Rules

• You cannot change the Aided Hero's Aide.
• Aided Heroes can still equip normal accessories in addition to their Aides.
• You cannot bestow Aide's Essences on Aided Heroes.
• Heroes you have bestowed an Aide's Essence on can equip the Aides of any Aided Hero that has been summoned.

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