• Now then, you've learned that Legendary and Mythic Heroes are each associated with different elements, right?

  • Right! So there's earth, water, fire, wind, astra, anima, light, and dark... And if the current season matches a Legendary or Mythic Hero's element, they'll be powered up. Does that sound accurate?

  • Absolutely! Also, while ordinary Heroes will need blessings to receive Legendary or Mythic Effects, Legendary and Mythic Heroes don't need to have blessings bestowed on them. That's just one of the things that makes them special!

  • You can also simultaneously deploy Legendary and Mythic Heroes who match the current season and gain the benefits of Legendary or Mythic Effects, depending on where you deploy them!

  • Wow! You weren't kidding when you told me they were powerful Heroes... Where do I sign up to be a Legendary Hero? I'd settle for being a Mythic Hero too!

Deploying Legendary and Mythic Heroes Simultaneously

In Arena Battles or Aether Raids, you can simultaneously deploy Legendary or Mythic Heroes who match the current season, and depending on the mode, they can benefit from the other's Legendary Effects or Mythic Effects. You won't need to bestow blessings upon them to do so, so you can easily include these Heroes in your teams. However, keep in mind that Legendary Heroes and Mythic Heroes cannot grant each other effects simultaneously.

Gain Legendary Effects in Arena Battles

The stronger your allies are, the stronger the opponents you face in Arena Battles will be, and the greater rewards you'll earn if you win. Legendary Heroes also provide a score bonus, so make sure you bring Legendary Heroes who match the current season and Heroes who have been granted matching blessings.

Gain Mythic Effects in Aether Raids

During a Light/Earth season, you can deploy Eir: Merciful Death together with Ike: Vanguard Legend in Aether Raids to automatically give Ike the Mythic Effect provided by Eir (HP+5, Res+5). In short, if you don't have any Heroes with the right blessing, you can use Legendary Heroes who match the season instead! However, be aware that they won't be able to activate a Legendary Effect on a Mythic Hero in Aether Raids.

Improved Stats in Mjölnir's Strike

Mjölnir's Strike features major and minor bonus seasons. For example, during seasons with a major Light effect, you can deploy Peony: Sweet Dream to gain a stat boost equivalent to a +10 merge. You'll also face stronger foes, making it easier to get a higher score. If you have any Mythic Heroes who match the current season, be sure to include them in your team!

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Use Legendary Heroes in Arena Duels

Mythic Heroes Useful in Aether Raids

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